Pencil on moleskine sketchbook + watercolour + photoshop


F L E E saidā€¦
Nice sketchy lines.
And love how the sketchy lines forms the contour of the figures, simple yet to the point. The colours, its nice...did you manage to get all the colour onto the Moleskine? Cos the sketchbook version's not very good holding all those ink.

I'm already a big fan.. see you at the next illustration friday!
Anne Viel saidā€¦
Thanks for your kind word on my blog. I'm discovering your, and i love what i see! You have a great style, and a very interesting approach of colors.
I'll come here back to see more!
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
Thanks flee (the amazing). The watercolour was scanned and then cut and pasted on in photoshop in a rough messy way.

Thanks Anne. your superhero illustration has such a brilliant hilarious idea.
Rico saidā€¦
Cool sketch. Like it lots.
Charles saidā€¦
Nice design and colors.
C. Kaufman
Anonymous saidā€¦
i love this! also a big fan of your banner.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I like this a lot - very expressive and cool looking too
Michelle Lana saidā€¦
Very cool style. love it.
get zapped saidā€¦
This is beautiful. I love the colors and layering. The illo has feeling.
esillustration saidā€¦
such a pretty drawing
Anonymous saidā€¦
This is absolutely wonderful...i love the colors. cheers!
Susan Mitchell saidā€¦
Love the colours and the loose drawing style - very nice :)
Anonymous saidā€¦
oh i love everything about this
Anonymous saidā€¦
I love your style. Very retro - great color blocks - lots of movement in the lines.