Fun comics exercise with friends
I've recently been meeting up with my comic artist friends again. I do think it's good to do some socialising, rather than keeping to my family life and my work desk everyday. I hear it's good for mental health! So far this is what we do- Meet up, have coffee, chat, do a short comic art jam, finish up whatever comics project we are working on individually, then have dinner. In our last comics jam, my friends and I decided to do this comics exercise by . 1. We drew this random line through the boxes, varying the energy. 2. We pasted post-its over and used the random line (which we could see through the post-its) as a springboard to draw out pictures. 3. We drew all the pictures first. Then went back to the top and filled in the words, trying to put to together a cohesive story. 4. Then I coloured it with watercolours. And the comic above (cleaned up version) is what came out of it. Rather fun! My story turned out a little dark. Perhaps it was