My artist way of staying sane

Found this comic dairy entry I drew in an old sketchbook and decided to colour it up.

 Yes, I have my official monthly sketchbook and then there are old sketchbooks (store-bought) that are lying around. They are very old. And sometimes, they still have empty pages! So I fill them up with thoughts swimming around in my head. There is less expectancy to get things looking right in unofficial old sketchbooks because my old sketchbooks contain older drawings I don't think are so good anymore. So when I draw in them, I don't push myself as hard to get things looking perfect.

There is something I like about pouring my thoughts onto a page. Perhaps it helps straighten out the jumble of things that keep accumulating - work demands, kids, youtube vids I watch while I relax (procrastinate) and all the new ideas that come with it, etc. When I do that, I feel I've somewhat processed them a little and then parked those thoughts away somewhere safe. It's my artist way of staying sane haha. That's how I like thinking of it. I could pour it out as a page of text. But when it is in comics, it is a little more fun because of the pictures.

So as you've read, a lizard (about 15cm / 6 inches long) scurried into my car as my wife was getting into the car at my in-law's. That happened in March 2024. It's now July and that lizard has never emerged. I believe my car is sealed when the door is closed, and I've never seen it run out. So it is most probably still in the car! Between March and now, I did pay a gas station cleaner person to fumigate my car, so maybe the lizard died while inside my dashboard panel. I've never smelled anything rotting though. Nowadays, when I send my daughter to school early in the mornings, the thought of a lizard running up my legs seldom cross my mind. But I still have that fly swatter beside me in the car.
