Telling a story within a simple 3 act structure

I wrote this comic while planning for a comic workshop at a school. I was trying to tell a story within a simple 3 act structure. I planned the comic in 3 rows. In each row, I could separate it into as many panels as I wanted.
1st row - Problem/want
2nd row - Try and fail
3rd row - solution or non-solution

The solution in this case was a change in how I thought.

I applied the colouring using a screen print approach, but I did it digitally. I used Lisa Glanz's Delicious Texture Procreate Brushes for the textures. (the link is an affiliate link* btw)I like this brush set and highly recommend it. 

* If you purchase use the link, I get a small commission from DesignCuts without any cost to you. It'll help support my time creating my videos and blog posts. Thank you!


Oscar Solis said…
This is one of the strengths of working with a three tier page structure. Everything has a place and it works when used correctly, as you have demonstrated. Storytelling in comic books is one of the things I have a great interest in and it seems to be something that is getting pushed to the side in favor of pretty or dynamic visuals that don’t work as coherent comics. Of course, a nicely rendered piece alway grabs the eye, but comics storytelling is always about more than that.
drewscape said…
Love your comment, Oscar. Because it reminds me again of what to aim for in a story. And I do hold a well crafted story is more important that pretty or dynamic visual. It's not easy but it is a skill worth the time and effort.