Ink/brush and watercolour. Colours enhanced in photoshop.


grazeland saidā€¦
Hey, I love your works and you change my opinion or japanese manga stuff, you create your own style to it and that's cool, keep it up! oh yes, could you pls teach me how you customize your own heading, the resization and all? thanks!
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
Hi Gracelynn. Thanks for your comments. This drawing is kind of a combination of manga, fineart, and concept art. I like this style so far and it seems to work for me. i like inventing new styles. it's fun. To customize headings, go to "layout" from your blog dashboard. Prepare a header picture in photoshop. 72dpi, and abt 21cm wide. Then upload into the layout panel.
grazeland saidā€¦
thanks, however mentioning about uploading it, somewhat my uploader isnt working so do you know where to place the html code? thanks!
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
that's a bit more complicated. Add me on msn: and i'll run it by you.