Sketchwalk stories. Pen, inkbrush and photoshop.


littlepinkpebble saidā€¦
evilly good with wicked humor
adeline saidā€¦
nice, i liek the night oness
Vikki Chu saidā€¦
these all have such a wonderful feel to them! these sketch walks look like so much fun- they make me sad that it's too cold right now in Richmond to even draw outside.
Bong Leal saidā€¦

i'm a fan of yours

ever since i saw your work.

your sketches really

inspires me to draw.

you are a great talent!

i really like your style.
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
thanks you guys. It's good to hear the feedback, good or bad. I find that sometimes going to a mall can be fun to draw too. I think its all about spotting the interesting things to draw. Bong Leal, wow cool. Keep drawing and fill up your blog.