an old drawing with some photoshop tweaking.


asdf saidā€¦
this is great man. have you looked at any hugo pratt watercolors? i think that you would like them.
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
now i have! thanks. And it turns out i actually have a hugo pratt swatch watch with corto maltese on it.
i_am_ksf saidā€¦
her helmet looks like got 3 potato chips stucked there.. maybe she can film advertisemnents for lays. *gua gua gua*
sorry im waiting for my movie so i bo liao =p
y she wear this material blouse? AH! i know it is not a helmet! it is smthing like a headband! no wonder she wore like bohemian style!~ have fun! i go watch movie yeah!!!!~
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
hahaha potato chips!