Here are some drawings from saturdayā€™s figure drawing session. Used pencil or ballpoint with gouache applied with a waterbrush and sometimes black ink. I tend to go with a contour drawing technique (seeing and following the outlines of shapes) rather than a body proportion construction technique. Seems to work better for me and keeps the figures more fluid.


Jt saidā€¦
some of these are nice!especially the one from the model's pov and the 2nd one from top , which gives a good sense of composition,.Not sure about it being fluid though..i don't think ur drawing achieve that, it probably achieve your own individual style of drawing , than having a "fluidity" in them
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
thanks. they aren't super great. but getting better. maybe not so fluid looking because i didn't use that much continuous lines. but contour drawing nonetheless.