The upcoming LRD illustrations will be on the boxer rebellion in the 1900s. These are the cover and inside illustration. Since it's a chinese story, i've used chinese ink brush on rice paper. You can pick up the published LRD newspaper on 29th June at some primary schools when they reopen again.


Jt saidā€¦
these are great!The composition and color of the first one is right on the mark.Using red as foreground and cooler colors as background works well. Only nit picking would be the red guy in ground is taller a little to make a good "triangle " composition to frame the picture
The 2nd one is not that fantastic though
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
thanks james. would have liked to make the center red guy bigger but I had to leave space for the logo and headline. When those are added in, I think the picture will look more complete. 2nd picture is about how all the different forces combine to fight the boxers. It's a small picture so not too detailed.
Lamar Mathurin saidā€¦
thanks for the love! I was planning on making the borders white too. now I know for sure. your work isn't too shabby! keep up the good work. you seem to have a sense for color!