Journalling about people in my life

Journalling doesn't need to be just about things I've been doing. I realised that I could also record my thoughts about people in my life. It would be meaningful to capture a bit of their stories because their stories are a part of my stories. People are born, change and leave us, and I realise that recording them once wouldn't be enough to capture everything about them. At different points of their life and my life, I would experience them differently, so a record of them would always be different every time I record what I know about them. And I found that it made me appreciate the person I was recording more. (Provided that I directed my thoughts to the more positive aspects of the person haha. Always two sides of the coin!)

This is my first try recording solely about a person I know. I chose my Dad who is still alive and kicking. I've not settled on an ideal format to record a "diary comic" about a person, but I've got to start somewhere. I started with:
1. A general intro eg. name and look
2. What he likes to do.
3. One thing I learned from him.
4. One fond memory I have of him
5. One of his unique quirks.

I used pen and watercolour on paper so I would not overthink and try to "perfect". (Can happen if I do this digitally.) This keeps it quick and allow me to have a more diary/journal entry experience.



Queensland Sketcher saidā€¦
I love this thank you. I plan to do the same now, starting with my parents who are not alive and kicking, not here on earth anyway but most definitely in heaven. šŸ˜Š
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
Haha yes, and one way to pass down what we learned from them. I should do another one of these soon.