Drewscape home-made comics at STGCC

The singapore toy, games and comic convection is happening friday to sunday at the suntec convenction center. I will be joining the Liquid city booth in promoting Liquid City 2. And I will also be selling 3 home-made comics by me. Printed on really nice paper, put together by hand, and printed in a very limited quantity, they will be available at exclusive prices just for STGCC. 1) The boy and the worm : the 24 hour comic about a boy who tries to merge with a worm. 2) 19 Short comics : a collection of short story comics. Mostly new ones (some you've never seen) plus a few good old ones. 3) Blurking - A collection of the first comic series I started drawing for fun back in 1997. Do visit me at my booth. See you there!



Sarah saidā€¦
adorable! Love it!
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
Hi Sarah, Yes I remember you. You gave me your bunny comic. I thought it was pretty good coz it makes you feel for it. Let's see more comics from you.
Zhu saidā€¦
These look great! Can I buy from an online shop or something...?c