sketches at meal times and waiting times

These were done very quickly. 3-5mins each? Capturing just simple shapes of the objects helped speed things up. A technique learnt from a fashion illustration book.


Anonymous saidā€¦
oooh is this the vintage Waterman? I'm so happy I found your reviews at Parka's blog! I was looking for a pen to use waterproof drawing ink with and thanks to you I found the Ackerman's pens and bought one. It wasn't long until I fell in love with vintage fountain pens with I bought one too...But I'm sure you understand the pen addiction:)
Anyway I love your sketches and illustrations!
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
Thanks Ewa, these drawings were done using a parallel pen. Last one was a noodler's ahab. I try to use all my pens or they will get lonely.

Yeah vintage watermans are nice. great for writing too.

As for the ackerman pen, keep the nibs separate when not in use and they will work fine. And you will have to be patient for it to arrive. It may take btw 1-3months to arrive. But it's a real company.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Thanks! I read your review carefully a couple of times before ordering the Ackerman's pump pen, so I'm well prepared now thanks to you :) I have also read your interview with Mr. Greg Minuskin, which answered a lot of my questions about vintage fountain pens (so I didn't need to bother him with my emails anymore). I am an illustrator too and love pens very much so your blog has been a great help and inspiration! I'll make sure to visit it every now and again.
Keep up the great work!!
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
Wow. I took a look at your blog. And I love your watercolour washes and the way you draw. Thats inspiring to me!

I hope you enjoy your pens. But dont get too addicted. I think an ackerman and vintage waterman and a dip pen pretty much covers a flex nib pen range for an artist:)
Anonymous saidā€¦
....yes and maybe one more! the parallel pen!! Just kidding. Thank you very much for visiting my blog Andrew!
Andrew Tan saidā€¦
ooh. the parallel pen is still one of my most useful and delightful pens. No kidding! Buy buy buy! haha.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I've already got one ! :D this has to stop!