Taking time to play

These days, I feel like I need to play more. If not, it's all work and getting things done. I feel balancing all that stress with play helps me to stay in a more stable positive mental state. Here, I wanted to do a comic. But at times, doing a comic when I'm tired, can be stressful in itself. However, there are many other ways I can string a series of pictures together to form a story that doesn't require too much thinking.

Here is the recipe for this one:

1. Draw random coloured shapes in 6 panels. Use light and dark midtones.
2. Go through each panel again and define the pictures, based on what the shapes could be. (Try to add continuity through the panels. Eg. put in the same characters or elements in a few panels)
3. Cut up the words in a government letter or junk mail. And try to form the dialogue or narration for the comic.

There is no rush to do this all in one go. Split it up into 2-3 separate sittings. Let your mind wander and find connections. It won't be a perfect comic. It's just an exercise. Just have fun:)

Watch how I put it together HERE

