A diary comic by Mike


Mike Rhodes, who teaches on Sketchnotes, tried out doing a dairy comic like how I've been doing  here. (I'm still deciding if I need to put an 's' behind comic. Is it "comic" or must it be "comics"?)

It's refreshing to see Mike's version of it! Everyone will do it a bit differently and in their own drawing styles. I think I see a bit of his sketchnote techniques in the second panel. And I liked how he added some extra context in each panel. Like in panel 3, he adds "last night", which tells us when it was happening. And in the last panel, he added "when" he had that food, and also his response to the food by saying "my favourite." These very small bits add that extra context and emotion to the comic. Of course, we have to be selective on how much information to put in each small box. And lastly, he does it so neatly!

Thanks for sharing a bit of your life in your diary comic, Mike!

Do check out more details on sketchnotes at Mike's site here: https://rohdesign.com


MiataGrrl saidā€¦
Awww, thanks for the shout-out! :-)
Mike saidā€¦
Thanks for sharing my comic diary, Andrew!
MiataGrrl saidā€¦
Here are a few more diary comics I made. :-) https://tina-koyama.blogspot.com/2024/11/diary-comics-from-my-head.html
MiataGrrl saidā€¦
I enjoyed reading your diary comics, Mike! Fun to know that we have both been inspired by Andrew's process!