My daughter's 10th birthday

Gosh, it's 10 years since by daughter was born. It's so quick. And it reminds me that I should spend more time playing with her, amidst attending to all my work, youtube and art and all, before another 10 years passes. Since she was born, I've been drawing comics about her and my journey being a parent to her and I've never regretted it. It helps her remember her young years. And for me too. Although some things seem like they will stay the same, a couple months later, things are usually completely different with new challenges and adventures. So here is one more comic for her birthday. I thank God for her and for giving her a cute brother whom she'd been asking for so long. Happy Birthday, Kiddo!

Till now until the end of June 6th, Singapore time, the Ollie Comics (eBook version) will be 50% if you use the code OLLIE10. Available through my payhip store HERE.

And here are the very first 2 comics I did about here 10 years ago (in the eBook). And this was done spontaneously panel by panel as the events happened. Or shortly after.


Tara Kate said…
Happy birthday to Ollie! And congrats to you, Drew for not only having such a wonderful daughter but also for sustaining such a meaningful comics practice for over ten years. Your daily life comics will be a treasure for you and your whole family for years to come. May God bless you and your family!

Lots of best wishes from Oregon,
Tara Kate
MiataGrrl said…
Happy birthday, Ollie! I'm looking forward to reading about your early life! :-)

Andrew Tan said…
Thank you Tara and Tina. If anything, drawing these comics help me pay more attention to what's happening in my life rather than daydreaming all the time haha. It was a pleasant day at the science center, yakiniku lunch and trying to make pasta at home with her (even though the pasta didn't turn out quite so well haha)
MiataGrrl said…
I just finished reading The Ollie Comics... so delightful! I do not have children, so I haven't shared the same experiences, yet I found the stories very relatable anyway -- which is a mark of good storytelling. What a wonderful gift you have given your daughter! She probably takes it for granted now that her dad makes comics about her, but someday, she will realize how precious they are.

- Tina
Andrew Tan said…
Hi Tina, thanks for reading my stories. Glad that comics can be used to share experiences and you can relate in some ways. Yeah I find the human experience is often similar even on the other side of the globe with a different culture. Ollie does read this comic often. It’s all worn now. And she read it to prepare herself for the arrival of her little brother too. Maybe she will read it to her grandchildren some day:) I see you trying the same things in your work and working on the storytelling. it makes me glad to know others are also pursuing that direction:)