Can you draw with an X-Acto knife?

This is one of my "mad scientist" experiments where I look out for unconventional tools that can potentially give me interesting lines. I've heard of artists using razor blades to draw (but I've not managed to get that working for myself.) I've also tried an old door key. Didn't work too haha. Recently, I was wondering if an X-acto knife would work and had to try it out. Let me bring you along for the ride in the following video!

SPOILER ALERT. If you've watched the video already, I'll add more on it here. I also tried shaving the blade with a file to make it more curved. That would give it more line variation. But the metal on this blade was very hard. I could barely change the shape. Perhaps a Dremel might work better. If you are going to try filing it down, remember to wear eye protection googles. Fiddling with blades can be dangerous. Keep it away from kids!
